
Welcome to Ms. Brennan's government blog! Here you will find daily objectives and agendas, as well as basic text copies of the assignments we have completed in class. You can also find helpful links to outside resources and review exercises for tests! Please e-mail me at jennifer.brennan@fcps.org with any questions!

About Me

Hello. My name is Jen Brennan. I have a B.S.E. in Secondary Social Studies Education and a M.S. in HR/Educational Leadership. My favorite subjects to learn and teach include psychology, sociology, early American history, and medieval European history.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Government Project Outline Due, MONDAY FEBRUARY 3

Government Project 1
Governments vary all around the world. Whether it is a democracy or a dictatorship, every citizen in the country is impacted by their government in one way or another. Where a person lives will decide what kind of business they may own or job they may have, what public welfare (if any) they receive, and what opportunities are available.
Your assignment is to select a country and research its government. You must include what type of government, the population, and how the government influences the population’s rights within your chosen country. You need to discuss the culture (daily life norms), religion, and TWO unique cultural aspects that you will find ONLY in your chosen country. You also need to give a BRIEF history of the country’s government and how it was formed.  You will need a MINIMUM of SEVEN slides.
Checklist of what you need:
Name of Country:                                                      
Type of Government (Democracy, Dictatorship, Constitutional Monarchy):                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
Population Number:                                                                                                                                                   
Unique Aspects:                                                                                                                                                         
History of Government and How It was Formed:                                                                                                      
You will present this information to the class, in the form of a power point presentation. Presentations should be no more than seven minutes and should tell the class the above information about your country.
In your power point, I would like to see pictures of the country on a map, the country’s flag, a picture of their leader, and pictures of landmarks, people, or sights within the country. You must have a minimum of eight images. I want you to be able to answer this question: What is the average day like for a citizen in your country?
Due Date:                                                                                                                               
Grading will be as follows
Power Point presentation: (60 points for information, 20 points for images)………………………...…………….80 points
Presentation: (Confident, informed, spoke loudly and clearly)……………………………………………………………..20 points

TOTAL:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….100 points

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